How to Know You're Ready to Book a Photoshoot for Your Small Business

Ready to step up your small business game with professional photography but questioning if you’re truly ready to book that shoot?

Here are five things that will help you figure out if it's time to level up and unleash your small biz magic with brand photography!

  1. Your Brand Story is on Point

    When your brand story is crystal clear and your message is locked and loaded, it's a sure sign that you're ready to tell your brand story with photos. If you've done the foundational biz work of identifying and defining your values, mission, and unique selling points, a photoshoot becomes the perfect opportunity to visually showcase your brand's personality. If you're confident in your brand's story and what you do (which I’m sure you are!), then it's time to book that shoot and let the visuals do the talking.

  2. Your Online Presence Needs a Boost

    If you find yourself browsing through your website or socials thinking “something's missing here…", it's a clear indication that it's time to level up your visual game. Professional photography for your small business can elevate your online presence and make your brand shine! Whether it's freshening up your website with new product images or curating eye-catching content for your social media pages, a photoshoot will add that lil bit of spice to make your small biz stand out.

  3. You're Launching a New Product or Service

    Are you gearing up to introduce an exciting new product or service to the world? Well, say no more - that's a perfect time to book a photoshoot! Let’s showcase your latest creation with the stunning imagery it deserves. You worked hard creating your product or service so you need to show it off in the right way and having professional photography creates buzz and anticipation among your audience. A well-timed photoshoot aligned with your launch will leave your customers eagerly awaiting what's coming next so strike while the iron is hot and capture the magic of your new offerings - book that shoot.

  4. Your Brand Needs a Visual Makeover

    Time for a spruce up? If you've been using stock photos or outdated visuals that no longer represent and align to your brand, it's time to revamp and refresh. A professional photoshoot allows you to create a library of custom images that authentically portray your brand. It's an opportunity to infuse your visual presence with your unique style, personality, and aesthetic. Get ready to transform your brand's look and make a lasting impression.

  5. You Just Want to Have Fun

    Sometimes, you don't need a specific reason to book a shoot other than wanting to boost your confidence and have some fun! Celebrate your small business journey, gather your team and create joyful images that reflect the feel-good spirit of your brand. It's all about enjoying the process, embracing the laughter, and creating a visual story that makes you feel empowered.

When it comes to booking a photography for your small business, it's all about the right timing and readiness. So, if your brand story is on point, your online presence needs a boost, you're launching something new, your brand needs a visual makeover, or you simply want to have fun - embrace the opportunity to visually express your brand's magic and let professional brand hotography take your small biz to new heights!


  • You can find the my current packages and prices here.

  • If you want to see a range of lovely brands I’ve worked with, check out Brand Stories.

Have a question or just want to know a bit more?


Brand photographer in Kent with Diane, founder of Hearken Performance


Brand photographer in Kent with PR practitioner, Gemma Pettman