Four prompts to help you use your brand photos on Instagram

You’ve smashed your branding shoot and your gallery has just dropped into your inbox! This is super exciting but can feel overwhelming too. Maybe you’re thinking “where do I start?”

Here’s four prompts to help you get posting on Instagram!

1. Introduce yourself.

Use your portraits to say ‘hello’ to your audience across your social media platforms - we love to see the face behind the biz! It also makes your biz relatable as your audience can see that there’s an actual human behind the biz. That’s always a good thing!

2. What do you do?

Show your audience what it is that you do. Are you service or product based? Show off what you sell with your product photos and explain how it can help your audience and why your audience need it!

3. How do you do it?

Product based - are they handmade? How do you create the items that you sell?

Service based - how do you carry out your services? Is it in person or online?

Start to tell the story of your brand to your audience using your process photos, this allows them to get to know and like you while getting a feel for what your brand is all about. Showing how you do biz allows your audience to understand how you create your products and can appreciate the time and effort that goes into them.

4. Why you do it?

Why do you do what you do? Here are a few examples:

  • To be able to spend more time with family

  • To have control over your work/life balance

  • To be kinder to the planet

  • To have an impact or make a change

  • To help others

  • To make people happy!

Your why is the reason and purpose behind your brand, it is the driving force that pushes you to grow you biz.

If you’re not too sure about your ‘why’, head over to this blog post to help you understand yours!


  • You can find the my current packages and prices here.

  • If you want to see a range of lovely brands I’ve worked with, check out Brand Stories.

Have a question or just want to know a bit more?

Bryony Melhuish

Creative brand + web studio for businesses that want to go place.

Brand photographer in Kent with Laura from This Is Dyslexia - Dyslexia Assessment, Support and Training


Brand photographer in Kent with global design studio, Athlon